
Instance of: lemon:LexicalSense
Property Value
lemon:definition Definition1
rdf:type lemon:SenseDefinition
lemon:value engThis frame involves words that provide a measure for some undelimited (mass) Entity by referring to an Event that a prototypical quantity (or duration) of the Entity stereotypically participates in. The Entity is not necessarily a physical entity, but may instead be an undelimited type of event (such as a noise, or an activity). He put two splashes of cologne on his face. Sorry--there's only two bites of cake left. Add a pinch of salt.
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_6269     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_6270     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_6271     More...
lemon:semArg FN_SemanticArgument_6272     More...
uby:label Measure_by_action

Is used by:
Property Value
Is lemon:broader of FN_Sense_1566     More...
Is lemon:broader of FN_Sense_354     More...
Is lemon:broader of FN_Sense_3643     More...


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This resources is derived from FrameNet under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

The WordNet - FrameNet mapping "MapNet" is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

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The WordNet - FrameNet mapping "WordFrameNet" is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

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